Nils Aguilar, director & producer of “Voices of Transition”
Nils Aguilar is the founder of Milpa Films. With the background as a trained sociologist (M.A. Université Paris Denis Diderot), Nils dedicates himself to visual and radiophonic communication of concrete utopias.
He regularly teaches innovative economic and agroecological concepts at the University of Tübingen and gives talks and offers workshops for different audiences.
His first film ‘Voices of Transition’ is a fully independent, 65 minute-long documentary. It’s the fruit of four years’ passionate work and has benefitted hugely from the work of volunteers scattered all over the world.
The film has been translated into 25 languages and won five awards from international festivals.
Synopsis: “Voices of Transition” presents innovative and very solutions to the food security challenges of our crisis-ridden age. It showcases powerful images of community-led “post-industrial” farming in Cuba, ingenious woodland farming methods in France and the Transition movement in the UK, where communities are moving towards local self-sufficiency.
His first radio feature ‘Que bolà, Cuba?’ about daily life in Cuba under Raul Castro was produced by the German National Radio (MDR, DLF, RBB) in 2017 and broadcast in Germany and Switzerland.
Nils Aguilar lives in Berlin and works in a self-organized co- and slow-working space, the thinkfarm, while continuously campaigning for agricultural (agroforstkampagne.net), economical (wachstumswende.org) and cultural (transitionnetwork.org) paradigm shifts towards a more sound, resilient and happy civilization.

Katie Revell is a whizz when it comes to finding new ways to share the film with its audience.
Milpa Films’ resident word-smith goes by the name of Timo ten Feld. He takes care of press and media contacts and keeps the behind-the-scenes stuff running.